How to Write & Record Audio Content

Audio messages via SMS should be no longer than 60-90 seconds, so depending on your speaking cadence, your script should fall within the 125 to 200-word range. Below, you’ll find an audio script example and what makes it particularly effective for an SMS-based experience.

Audio script example (163 words): What makes it effective:

Hi - it’s Catherine. As we’ve talked about, the best way to change a bad habit is to replace it with a good one. Now that you’ve gotten your phone out of your bedroom—or at least out of reach—the next step is to make it easier to do the things you want to spend more time on.

For example, if you want to exercise in the mornings, leave your exercise clothes out the night before. If you want to write more frequently in your journal, leave it out in a conspicuous place and choose a time each day when you will write in it. 

I personally decided that I want to spend more time practicing the guitar, and so I leave my guitar out of its case. I’m consistently amazed by how much more likely I am to practice if my guitar is sitting right there in front of me.

So how about you? Today, brainstorm a few ideas, and give one a try! 

  • Begins with a greeting
  • Includes a brief reminder of where learners are in the context of the program. 
  • Provides actionable examples.
  • Includes a personal anecdote. 
  • References the task or activity that will be delivered via text.

Audio Recording Best Practices

Once you’ve written out your scripts, it’s time to start recording! Here are some tips for making the best possible audio recording for your SMS-based program:

  • Use the built-in audio recording software on your computer. Either QuickTime Player on a Mac or Voice Recorder on Windows. 
  • Use the highest quality microphone you have available to you. Avoid using the built-in microphone on your computer or phone. Dedicated plug-in microphones like this are recommended. 
  • Find a quiet and echo-free environment to record in. Rooms with a lot of carpeting, soft seating, and even closets work well if an audio recording space is unavailable to you. 
  • Make sure to stay hydrated during the recording process!
  • Record one audio message at a time, stop recording once you’ve finished reading a script, save the file, and create a new one for the next recording.
  • Upload your audio as a .mp4 file.
  • We recommend using the following naming convention for your audio files, “Topic#_TopicDescription_YourName.mp4.” So, for example, “Topic2_SetLearningGoals_AndrePlaut.mp4”

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